Invent Clown

Danny DeVito, 75 Years Old

Danny DeVito may be small in stature but he made a huge name for himself in and around Hollywood with his role as the taxi dispatcher Louie De Palm in the 1970s classic sitcom Taxi. Aside from acting, he is also known for his work behind the scenes as a director, screenwriter, and producer. Daniel has also played many dubbing roles in his career. For example, The Simpsons, Space Jam, and The Lorax.

Since then, his net worth and credit score just keeps getting better and better each year. Now that DeVito is in his mid-70s, many people start to wonder if he has plans of retiring anytime soon. Judging from the way his career looks, it doesn’t seem to be the right time and he even has a couple of films down the pipeline. Dan was a huge success in both the actor and the director.
