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Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel


Longtime lovers, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel, actually met in 1966, which was 17 years before the couple even started seeing each other. Back then, Kurt was still 16, while Goldie was 21. In an interview, the actress shared that she instantly developed a crush on Kurt, but nothing could happen back then, of course. Finally, in 1985, they reunited, and Kurt was instantly attracted to Hawn’s alluring figure.


After almost twenty years of not crossing into each other’s paths, the first thing the actor did was compliment her to Hawn’s delight. The pair hit it off instantly and started dating right away. The couple starred together in a classic rom-com called Overboard, four years into the relationship. Their on-screen chemistry was already undeniable then. It looks like this Hollywood couple doesn’t need the services of a divorce lawyer.
