Invent Clown

Brooke Shields & Grier Hammond Henchy


She may have a dark past, but everything is better now for Brooke Shields, especially with her beautiful daughter, Grier Hammond Henchy, by her side. The 55-year-old star only has two kids, and she probably feels lucky that Grier is one of them. The kid is now 14 years old and growing up to be like her mom. Some said they already looked like twins with their surprising alikeness.


Grier looks like a younger version of Brooke, from their hair color, body built, almond-shaped eyes, nose, to the legendary actress’ iconic dark and thick eyebrows. However, it is still too early to predict what Grier wants to become in life. She can either be an actress and model like her mother or a screenwriter like her dad. Whatever path she takes, her parents may guide her and play as her financial advisor so that she can be financially independent.
